Our Pig Residents

Our Potbelly pigs, Jethro, Phyliss, Hanna and Chiquita all came from Pasado’s Safe Haven and have different rescue stories. You can ready about Phyliss’s (Mara) and Hanna’s rescue story here.

Our happy little pigs are the most high maintenance eaters. Carefully measured meals of specific pig grain and timothy pellets, along with one full cup of fresh, finely chopped vegetables twice a day. Chiquita is our oldest resident at the sanctuary at age 13, happily taking eight different medications throughout the day.

The pigs are the only animals who sleep in hay, so they can snack during the night! They are also the only animals who create a separate bathroom area outside of their stall. They all enjoy cheek and side scratches and if you’re lucky or talented, they will give you their belly to rub!